Alexis Star

Who Am I?

On the evening of the 12th of November 2021, my galactic family and divine spiritual team welcomed my entire soul and being, back home into my physical body, previously named Rachel Laing, on planet Earth. This was a powerful initiation that was felt throughout every cell of my human body. I instantly aligned with the highest frequency of love as I expressed my deepest gratitude for my life, this remembering of who I AM, and for the reestablished and my now solidified connection with my powerful galactic lineage that is now crystallized and confirmed within every ounce of my being.

I am so grateful for my whole life! My body, my mind, my spirit, my incarnation, my gifts, and my awareness as consciousness experiencing human form!

It is my absolute privilege to walk this journey alongside you, and to assist you in all of the ways I am being called to service! During my deeply clarifying spiritual rebirth and pinnacle life event, I began to explore my newly awoken abilities as a direct channel for 12th-dimensional frequency light codes through all aspects of speech and vocal sound. My heart expanded beyond comprehension and I was invited to experiment with my voice in ways that I had only previously conceptualized but had not yet been able to successfully execute. I felt liberated on every level of my being, and above all, so incredibly grateful to have finally excavated and transmuted enough social conditioning, life trauma, absorbed projections, entities, attachments, and generational programming, to have been able to completely surrender to who I truly am without any fear or limitations.

I have no fears, for I have been into the darkness, and shone the light of my consciousness upon it all - I am open to exponential growth and expansion through the inevitable uncovering of roots that lay within my subconscious mind and energetic bodies… Allow me to introduce myself…

I AM Alexis Star

I am a triple Aquarian and an Artcurian Starseed.

Arcturians are highly advanced very loving, and peaceful beings from Arcturus, a star in the Boötes Constellation. Arcturians are ready to communicate and work with any soul who aspires to journey with them to a higher level of consciousness.

I am here to serve all of humanity through my unique and powerful healing transmissions of sound, meditation, and song.

I am a master of the voice as a musical instrument, and all that I know to be true I can share in great detail so that you too can experience total vocal liberation and freedom of expression.

I offer myself as a spiritual guide and reflection for I have been into the depths of myself, and have obtained the wisdom to help you find and gravitate to the light that shines from within you.

I harness my musical gifts and create and share from a place of unconditional love from deep within my beating heart.

I am a sungazer, ocean dweller, stand-up paddleboard surfer, yogi, earth warrior, adventurer, dancer, meditator, soul initiator, manifesting generator, naturist, and generous giver of all that I have in abundance.

I pride myself on my integrity and authenticity. I am sovereign in my body and I respect and honor all life on planet earth. I am one with all that is.

One of my dreams in this life is to live in a conscious spiritual community, connected to the land, alongside healers and truth seekers, sharing gifts unconditionally, living in alignment with the seasons of nature, healing ourselves and others who have come to be reminded of their true nature.

I like to be transient, so I am calling in a reliable 4X4 campervan with air conditioning so I can be reunited with my beautiful dog Jackson, chase the sun, surf, and share my gifts in person wherever Í am called.

I am so thankful for your support through energy exchange for my creations. Thank you!

Please also know that your honest feedback is also appreciated as it ensures I am continually growing and expanding the potency of my authentic sonic offerings.

May you be blessed with the certainty of who you are and why you have come to earth at this time.

I trust all is exactly as it should be.

I accept. I forgive. I love.

May you receive all that is divinely intended, for the highest good of all.

And so it is.