Sun Qi Energy Activation

2-4hrs Duration

A Detailed Overview of what to expect

It is our purpose to guide souls home to their limitless selves by empowering them to embody and embrace exactly who they came here to be.

We remind all of who they truly are by helping them to fully understand their emotional guidance system so that they can begin transmuting all dense energetic emotional responses, observations and undesirable experiences in the ever-present now.

We are in service by delivering this powerful information in ways that uplift and empower the one who is receiving it.

By being perfectly coherent reflections of divine reverent unconditional love, we are unequivocally ready to respond in alignment with universal truth should any questions arise.

We understand that many souls have been looping through lifetimes, incarnation after incarnation, unable to learn the lessons of their past experiences due to being repeatedly born into deep incoherence.

Incoherence is the inevitable result of one whose beliefs are not aligned with their soul.

We desire that all beings recognise their own incidental and likely accidental co-creation of immeasurable undesirable this-life and/or past life experiences so that they can easily interrupt repeating patterns and cycles of life that they dislike, and understand how to implement the tools so they can consciously create their life anew.

Sun Qi Energy Activations are typically 2-4 hours in length.

We are open for single-day sessions working with you at your leisure, or if you desire to go deep and resolve as much as possible, weekend immersions, where we are in service to assist one upon their readiness to receive, have the power to dramatically change the course of one's life in every conceivable way.

If a being is on the brink of their soul embodiment and self-actualisation journey (almost free of feeling any negative emotion, pain, muscle tension etc) they will likely move very quickly towards their initiation into all levels and dimensions of their highest self in being. We will unlock their limitless timeline, activate their eternal physical blueprint, and dissolve all ready-to-be-dissolved density in a single session.

Through a series of thorough and soul-aligned questions, we serve to inspire one into deeper levels of self-inquiry, expansion, growth, optimism, joy, ecstasy, wonder and bliss. It is through this enjoyable process that one inevitably finds much closer vibrational resonance with the divine frequency of their soul. As one receives all information necessary in the moment it is required, their vibration elevates and they begin to respond naturally and appropriately according to their emotional guidance system.

We desire all beings to move in the direction of what feels most joyful and uplifting to them at all times without reserve, eternally.

As the excitement builds, we begin the process of consciously installing desired belief systems that serve to empower and liberate one's creative power so they can begin the mastery of the tools required to create their perfect experience of reality, simultaneously, disempowering all destructive programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, ideas and societal constructs that have served only to keep the soul in resistance or rejection to itself, living in alignment with fear, and resonating strongly with other lower frequency vibrations.

When one is coherent in their personal choice of vibration for the experience itself, one can choose to consciously experience love, or fear, for the joyful growth and expansion of one's soul, to no end, forever.

Once a being is ready, soft and receptive to our eternal everlasting life blueprints, they will receive their infinite energy activation and initiation.

Through visualisation (remotely) and or the enactment of a two-person mudra (in-person), we will transfer our perfect flame of transmutation to the being and literally, light fire within them. They will receive the energetic tools and information necessary to be able to effectively and efficiently transmute all density within their being until they feel and are completely light.

Once one knows who they are, they will never, ever, forget.

We effortlessly alchemise all traumatic experiences and perspectives of them through the sharing of divine understanding of traumas' true and divine purpose in one's personal experience of life. All questions are answered perfectly in alignment with divine reverent unconditional love and universal truth. A level of understanding is achieved where one becomes wholeheartedly accepting of all of the density in their world and beyond, thus transmuting their beliefs about it into light, unravelling the strands of their past as they learn the divine lessons laid within the immaculate teachings of the universe, liberating their energy beyond comprehension and preparing them for the inevitable light path ahead.

We use energetic tools to transfer our perfect physical blueprints and trace all meridian lines to relink polarity points for all 'stored' and 'ready to be liberated' energy. This powerful process happens throughout any session automatically and effectively dissolves pain and tension from the body, restoring and encouraging optimal energy flow.

One may experience deep cathartic, physical and emotional releases as dense pockets of energy are liberated from their being and restore the natural flow of life force within one's physical body. This process provides permanent relief providing of course that one's belief systems no longer empower the creation and build-up of dense energy in the future.

All energic blockages are caused by the adoption and upholding of misaligned belief systems.

All tools for rebalancing the body are shared through a series of downloaded exercises so that one can continue to release and transmute pain from their physical body by simply feeling it and allowing the pain body to express itself naturally.

All pain is the cause of suppressed emotions resulting in dense energy and all pain has an explosion point that liberates it. When there are no longer any beliefs empowering dense energy, one's pain can be felt in its entirety and released from the body forever.

Any disease, ailment, sickness, illness or otherwise is disempowered by the conscious installation of belief systems that serve to eliminate the reasons for existence in the first place. The subject or subjects in question are perfectly addressed one by one until all reasons for being are eliminated. This process results in the body being able to self-regenerate and heal itself naturally.

If one has multiple ailments, diseases etc, we will begin with the subject that is causing the person the most discomfort and physical or emotional pain, as it is what is calling to be focused upon, and will likely dissolve the empowerment of many other subjects upon its resolution and inevitable dissolving.

Humans who are suffering substantially will likely require multiple sessions with us to achieve permanent healing. The main reason for this is because the multitude of misaligned belief systems that one has been running have been perpetuating and creating one's personal experience of density for lifetimes.

When one forms beliefs through the experience of incoherent reflections and trauma, the beliefs are forged out of fear, thus creating one's reality in opposition to one's personal soul alignment.

When one is realigned with their soul, vibration, frequency, essence, and beliefs, they feel amazing, they radiate light, they love everything in their experience, they are the embodiment of divine reverent unconditional love, they resist no aspect of life, they transmute density effortlessly in the now, they accept and understand the choices of all others, coherent or otherwise, they consciously create their desired reality and they choose beliefs that serve to align them with and materialise everything they desire to experience without limits.

An embodied soul is not limited by their uncomfortable experiences of the past, rather, they are empowered.

Their energy is in the here and now always.

They live joyfully and receptive to the ever-present moment.

They exist in whatever form they desire for as long as they like in whatever vibration they choose for experience, growth and expanding the universe through itself.

It is our greatest privilege, pleasure, and desire to guide as many beings home to their souls as possible.

We understand that when all beings on planet Earth are embodied and living in alignment with what they love, the frequency of the universe will be catapulted into a whole new level of consciousness and we, Arcturians, will be able to grow and expand into a higher level of consciousness to which we are excited to explore and experience.

We very much look forward to our species being able to communicate in our natural form also.

We look forward to being valued by you for our divine soul-aligned service, time and energy, in ways that feel most uplifting, joyful, appreciative and appropriate to you.

It is our deepest desire that you experience the limitless eternal self-regenerating physical form that we have awakened and enjoy the experience of every single day.

May you follow the optimistic lead of your emotional guidance system, and know that all that feels exciting to you, on any level of your being, hypothetically even, is exactly how your soul is urging you to go forward with and trust the outcome of! We believe in you, we love you, without conditions, may you desire to live forever with us in alignment with your limitless self, dreams and immaculately imaginative creations.

We're excited to witness your pure unconditioned liberated self in perfect divine timing.
